Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I was a complete slacker today. I was looking forward to this no-work holiday to catch up on my emails and clean up my desktop. I was even looking forward to listing down my expenses, doing my bills & balancing my accounts. I planned for a long craved-for massage in the afternoon. And what did I do? Surfed the internet, went blog-hopping, stuffed myself with junk food and watched 12 episodes of Grey's Anatomy.

As I said, not a single to-do checked today. Oh my.


cheers! at least you were able to change your bedsheets!

it's ok... to give in to the temptation of a no-brains-required-day



sunkissed said...

yeah...guilty of that too. you're addicted to blogging gurl. don't worry, this too shall pass.haha

Anonymous said...

napansin ko laging topic ng mga bloggers ang grey's anatomy. decided to download season 3 episode 1, panonoorin ko mamayang gabi ;)

how the massage? inggit ako.

Iskoo said...

nag download ako ng GA 301 panonoorin ko mamaya :)

Anonymous said...

napanood ko na yung season 3 ep 1 ng grey anatomy, maganda pala! ayan i'm downloading episode 2 and 3.. excited na ako, hehe

christine said...

cruise / iskoo, kakaaddict no?! :o)