Sunday, January 21, 2007

On Sleep

Funny that my first post for the year (my first post in over a month!) is about sleep. I guess that stems from my missing my bed so much the past weeks. Friends have been bugging me about my last post (it WAS getting old) but I just couldn't bring myself to write. Year-end at work was pretty light for me---thank God--except for the planning, budgeting and occasional last-minute to-dos. However, December, being the stressful month that it always has been, left me craving for more time to do everything that needs to be finished. It goes without saying that I dedicated a 100% of my free time with my bud when he came home for Christmas. And since I finished up my leaves when I visited him last May, I had to squeeze in gift-shopping, dinners and countless errands between my waking hours at work.

And so... the past weeks, I found myself almost bone-tired from the reunions, Christmas parties, brunches, 1-rounds and out-of-town trips. So tired that I barely had time to check personal emails, much less go blogging!

Well, actually, I never realized I was that tired until I had my first full 8 hours of sleep last Saturday. And I have been catching up on my zzzzz since then... :o)

cheers! having the talk with my bud that pacified a lot of my fears
it's ok... to slack off sometimes in order to fuel up for another stream of busy, busy days!


sunkissed said...

Busy, busy, girl. Hope you get to pay-off your sleep debt.

Anonymous said...

one roundssssss! hahaha