Saturday, February 24, 2007

me wild hair

my hairdresser texted me today for 3 reasons:
1. asking how i'm doing --- specifically, how my hair is doing.

2. thanking me because 3 of my friends went to her to have their haircut (i wonder who?!)

3. asking me ever so subtley when i'm coming over for my long due cut

i have 2 things on my mind after
this text:
1. wow, people actually listen to me when i recommend someone or someplace or something!

2. i seriously need a haircut!

my sche
dule's been as wild as my hair these days and i never seem to find time to squeeze in some quality time with my hairdresser. the fact that the salon closes at 7pm doesn't help much as i'm never done with work before 6pm.

that's why it's great to go to the beach sometimes. the wind, the sand, and the salty water are a bunch of great excuses for having such wild, bad hair hehehe!

speaking of the beach, 5 of my IBM-friends and I went to Puerto Galera over the weekend. in a desperate craving for lounging in the sun, snorkelling underwater and drinky under the stars, we decided to head of for a weekend there before we head off to Bora in April.

needless to say, we didn't do much but lounge in the sun, snorkel underwater, and go drinky under the stars :o) perfect weekend.

cheers! for great weekends with great company
it's ok... not having the perfect beach body... yet! and that's a hard-core promise!!

1 comment:

sunkissed said...

llantiiiiiiiiiii. we have the same post, almost!!! waaaaahhhh. what happened to us? oh well, i think it is a hardcore promise for me too. dammit.